Friday, February 26, 2010

Frends forever...

tengah pening-pening duk baca journal tadi,tibe-tibe teringat pada kawan-kawan masa degree dulu..Rindu la kat korang..Rindu sangat weh..Bile tah nak jumpa lagi..Ingat lagi tak lagu Vitamin C ni- Graduation Song??hehe..kelakar-kelakar..

"Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly

As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come Whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever..."

All da best for all ex CS228:)

Mengingati Kekasih Allah...

Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W. bermaksud:

Sesiapa yang menghidupkan sunnah daripada sunnahku yang telah ditinggalkan selepas aku maka sesungguhnya baginya pahala seumpama pahala orang yang melakukannya tanpa sedikitpun berkurangan, sementara sesiapa yang mengadakan bidaah yang sesat yang tidak diredhai Allah dan rasulNya, baginya dosa seumpama dosa-dosa yang dilakukan mereka di mana tidak sedikitpun berkurangan.

(Riwayat al-Tarmizi dan Ibnu Majah)

****Salam Maulidurrasul**

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Speaking different languages...

It is common for us when our friends keep complaining that their boyfren/girlfren are not understanding, not alert on their needs and emotions. And wonders, just because of this we always blame the other party and never realize that we are confronting with somebody who came from different world with us. Dr John Gray in his book 'Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus' did mention that "men and women are supposed to be different. But if they do respect and accept their differences, the happiness will come to them.."
We usually expect the opposite sex to be more like ourselves. We desire them to what we want and feel the way we feel. It is a fact that the way we think and the way men's think are really different. However, both men and women are possible to reach the similar point of thinking if they do trying to understand the tracks of their partner seeing and imaging. I just remember one part of this book by Dr John Gray that i ever read before - Speaking different language. This part really attracted me. Actually, men and women languages had the same words, but the way they were used gave different meanings. Women always talk and use metaphors to express their feeling but men always take the words a an information.
For example, a girl said to a guy, 'When I went out with you, chatting, watching movie and laughing, I feel released'.. Instead, the guy misinterpret and mislead her words by asking, 'Are you using me to bring you out from your lonely..?'..
This kind of conveying will make the girl feel hurted, frustrated and unappreciated. Actually, what the girl intend to say is, she is comfortable with him, she trust him and happy to be with him. Instead, the guy simply take her words as a literal information.
Lets consider a situation..
I asked my father to buy bread at shop for the breakfast and after 10 minutes, he come back with Gardenia bread, just a bread..But it is different when I asked my mother the same thing. She will return home with Gardenia bread, peanut butter, eggs and sardines. Men always understand one. While women will understand a word as a whole. That is how men and women are different and this is what we should understand more. Never blame but try to feel men's world, try to explore their languages.
Besides, speaking bout happiness, Ustaz Hasrizal Jamil in his book 'Aku Terima Nikahnya' said, "In a relationship, never demanding. Instead, we have to always giving without asking for any reward.."
As a human, it is normal if we feel of giving up and tiring of giving so much time. But a good communication, discussion, understanding, trust and compassion will help both parties to play role of giving and receiving.
I really admired Ust Hasrizal and his wife on the way they accepted their partner. Even at the early marriage, when his wife was assigning for servicing outside the state and live separately, they still practising the good and loving communication with each other. They noticed that they are speaking the different languages but they got the happiness because they got these 3 things - positive communication, supportive giving and a full of warm receiving..


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sisi lain...

"Boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu padahal ia tidak baik bagimu.
Boleh jadi kamu tidak menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia baik bagimu.
Sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.."

Kita selalu mengeluh dan bertanya-tanya bila kita tak dapat apa yang kita nak.
Kita selalu menyalahkan takdir bila harapan kita tak kesampaian. Dan kita sering tercari-cari kesilapan kita bila sesuatu yang kita harap tak jadi..
Tapi kita tak pernah nak sedar nilai dan tahap kita dimana. Kita selalu meminta-minta tapi kita tak pernah nak memberi..
Kita meminta orang sayang pada kita tapi kita sendiri tidak pernah berusaha memberi kasih sayang. Kita meminta orang memahami kita tapi kita sendiri tidak mahu berusaha memahami orang. Kita meminta orang menerima kita tapi kita lupa bahawa penerimaan itu bukanlah satu paksaan..
Dan yang paling menyedihkan, kita meminta pada Allah untuk memenuhi kehendak dan keinginan kita, sedang kita tidak sedar kita seringkali melupakan hak Allah pada kita. Dan bila terjatuh, bila berdepan dengan kesusahan, bila ditinggalkan orang sekeliling, barulah kita akan datang pada Dia.. Maka siapakah Allah pada hidup kita?
Datang bila perlu dan tinggal bila dah dapat..
Itulah kita, itulah saya, itulah aku, itulah kamu dan mereka..
Kita kena sedar, bila Allah tidak menyampaikan hajat dan kehendak kita, bukan bermakna Allah tidak pernah mendengar. Allah mendengar dan sentiasa mendengar. Cuma mungkin belum masanya untuk harapan itu ditunaikan..
Pernah seorang ustaz berkata, "Sebenarnya semua doa kita dah dikabulkan, cuma Allah belum zahirkan lagi sampailah tiba masanya mengikut perancangan.."
Kawan2, kita kena selalu ingat, sesungguhnya doa dan hajat itu di laksanakan Allah pada 3 cara:

Pertama : dikabulkan serta merta
Kedua : disimpan dahulu dan akan ditunaikan bila tiba masanya
Ketiga : digantikan dengan yang lebih baik bersama2 perancangan Allah

Jangan bersedih bila kita tak dapat dan capai apa yang kita mahukan. Tapi yakinlah ada sesuatu yang lebih baik telah Allah aturkan untuk kita. Yang penting kita terus berdoa, berusaha dan yakin...Ada yang lebih baik pada sisi yang lain, inysaAllah..
